Thursday Nights Are A Big Deal!

We are a family of grace-resolute generations who desire to be more like Jesus thru prayer, Bible study, and discipleship. There is something for everyone. Join us at 6 PM on Thursdays.

  • Prayer Journey - Meeting Together for Effective Prayer

    For anyone who wants a more effective prayer life, Join us on Thursday evenings in room 108 for Prayer. Each week we ill distribute prayer points for you to pray over the church, it's members and the community. We will also be happy to pray for you at your request. We will specifically pray to seek God's will in our lives, direction for Graceview, and personal requests.

    Todd Guppy, Prayer Ministry Coordinator

  • Big Game Night - Fun Discipleship for K thru 5th Grade

    Big Game Night has ended it's Spring semester and will begin again in August. Kids are invited to join us for Adventure week in July. Check out the FAMILY PAGE for registration information. We Play big and crazy games, all the while learning about Jesus, and how to apply what we've learned to our lives and encourage kids to actually live it out at home, at school, with family and friends. 

    Daniel Hobbs, Children/Family Pastor

  • Encounter - Discipleship for Teens & Adults, Special Needs

    Discipleship reaches across all learning and cognitive boundaries.  Encounter is a place of learning and applying God's word according to the need of teens & adults with special Needs. Children & teens are welcome to participate in childrens & teens spaces with support, if needed. 

    Heather Paddy, Special Needs Director

  • Thrive Thursday Nights - Discipleship for 6th thru 12th Grade

    Thrive Thursday Nights has finished it's Spring semester and will begin in August. Check out our summer schedule on the FAMILY PAGE. We learn how to understand what Scripture says in light of the world we live in. The Bible is still applicable to life today, and it's much more than a dusty, old book. We play games, hang out and dig into God's Word. Encourage your teen to join us! 

    Bobby Pace, Student Pastor

  • Thursday Evening Women's Bible Study

    Women's Bible Study will continue thru the summer. All women 18+, every age and stage are invited to study God's word and encourage one another.  We will take turns leading a session. There is no pressure, and our group is quite open and loving, Join us at 6:15 PM in the conference room.  Our current studies are 4 books - Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians.

    Shelley Pace, Coordinator